I have now read all of Oscar Wilde’s plays, except for Salome. I bought this book at Books-A-Million. I liked the cover photo.

I appreciate Oscar Wilde’s plays for their wit. I really enjoy wit in the theater. Shakespeare prided himself on his wit and mentions this quality frequently in his plays. The other writer I admire for being especially witty is Dorthy Parker, of course. Some of her quips are classics, like “What fresh hell is this?”. I also encounter many snarky comments online which I always enjoy. I can be quite witty online myself but this could get me in trouble. One of my favorite witticism is this, “We don’t accept reality because we think we deserve something better”. I’m mocking progressives with that line. I think progressives have lost all touch with reality.
Oscar Wilde’s plays are fine examples of “drawing room plays” or plays in which the action takes place in a drawing room with the characters commenting on upper class society or their fellow socialites. These types of plays were popular during the Victorian period. The only contemporary playwright I can find known for his wit is Paul Rudnick.