Theater As A Meritocracy

The very concept of merit is increasing under attack as Social Justice Warriors argue that the myth of a meritocracy is used to justify a history of exclusion and elitism. Considering that theater is an…

Power In The Theater

A lot of playwrights seem to be obsessed with power. They believe the theaters have all the power. I suspect this attitude is partially based on the bad social theories being taught in universities. Critical…

Should Theater Nurture Artists?

Should theater nurture artists? To ask this question seems hopelessly naive since theater does exactly squat to nurture artists. The theater community takes everyone for granted. They take actors for granted. And they take playwrights…

Maintaining Enthusiasm

Writing plays can be very discouraging. Every book I’ve read on playwriting has been discouraging. Most playwriting books emphasize that your chances of getting a play produced are very slim. Every rejection of a script…

Carnage Film Review and Analysis

Last evening I saw the film Carnage on DVD. The film is based on the play God Of Carnage by French playwright Yasmina Reza so it is relevant to theater. The play has only four…

On Talent

Talent has always been valued in the Performing Arts. I’m not sure it is still valued now that the Left finds greater virtue in diversity and equality. Many liberals find even the slightest suggestion of …

Evolutionary Psychology

I was introduced to Evolutionary Psychology by Jordan Peterson who clearly got some of his best ideas from this branch of psychology. I was watching his videos because he is one of the few public…