Percy Bysshe Shelley

In the course of studying William Butler Yeats I have become more interested in Percy Bysshe Shelley. There is nothing to prevent my attention wandering. I do not specialize in Irish literature. I have not…

New York City Trip – May 25, 2024

On Saturday May 25, 2024 I made another bus trip to New York City. My main objective on this trip was to see the Brian Friel play “Molly Sweeney” at the Irish Repertory Theatre. On…

New York City Trip

I usually blog about my trips to New York City on my Williamsport Web Developer blog but it is more appropriate to blog about them here. This is the first trip I have made to…

Life Changing Cultural Experiences

Many cultural experiences are given credit for changing lives. For example, many people claim to have read a book that changed their life. I’ve always been very cynical about this. Nobody ever explains how a…

The Capacity To Appreciate Art

I believe that I have a great capacity to appreciate art. Not everybody can appreciate art. Of course, everyone can appreciate beauty to some degree but I’m talking about great art. I’m sure this won’t…