On Being Gifted

One of the reasons I like having a blog is so I can write about things that cannot be discussed on the Internet. You certainly cannot have an intelligent conversation about what it means to…

More Yeats Books

I have bought a few more books to study the work of William Butler Yeats. Our Secret Discipline Helen Vendler ISBN: 9780674026957 The Cambridge Introduction to W. B. Yeats David Holdeman ISBN: 9780521547376 The Cambridge…

Life Changing Cultural Experiences

Many cultural experiences are given credit for changing lives. For example, many people claim to have read a book that changed their life. I’ve always been very cynical about this. Nobody ever explains how a…

Theater As A Meritocracy

The very concept of merit is increasing under attack as Social Justice Warriors argue that the myth of a meritocracy is used to justify a history of exclusion and elitism. Considering that theater is an…